The annual Harvey A.K. Whitney Lecture Award recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to health-system pharmacy. The award is considered to be health-system pharmacy’s highest honor.


The 2025 Award Recipient is

Richard M. Church, PharmD, FAPhA
At the time of his retirement, RADM (Ret) Richard M. Church was the director, Office of Public Health Support, for the Indian Health Service (IHS). Over his career, he served as a member of the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) for 34 years achieving the rank of rear admiral and an additional seven years in the civilian Senior Executive Service. He devoted his career to improving the health status of American Indians and Alaska Natives through his service in the Indian Health Service. He served in a variety of clinical and managerial positions at the local and regional program levels before assuming national roles that led to his appointment as chief pharmacist officer for the USPHS as an assistant surgeon general. He is a native of Michigan and is an enrolled member of the Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish (Gun Lake) Band of Pottawatomi Indians.

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Pharmacy's Golden Circle

Diane B. Ginsburg, PhD, MS, RPh, FASHP

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Serving Vulnerable Populations

Milap C. Nahata, PharmD, MS, FASHP, FCCP, FAPhA, FPPA

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History of the Harvey A.K. Whitney Lecture Award.

The Harvey A.K. Whitney Lecture Award was established in 1950 by the Michigan Society of Hospital Pharmacists to recognize individuals who have made outstanding contributions to health-system pharmacy. The Harvey A.K. Whitney Lecture Award is given annually to an individual who has made significant contributions to health-system pharmacy, including sustained exemplary service, an outstanding single achievement, or a combination of accomplishments benefiting the profession and public health.…

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