2017 Award Recipient
The Power of Great Expectations
Max L. (Mick) Hunt
B.S.Pharm., M.S., M.B.A., FASHP
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Max L. (Mick) Hunt, B.S.Pharm., M.S., M.B.A., FASHP
Hunt is a pharmacy leader with a long career in pharmacy administration and education and is recognized for his role in the adoption of key advancements in pharmacy practice, his commitment to developing future generations of pharmacy leaders, and his active service to the profession.
From 2011 to 2014, Hunt was associate professor and vice chair of pharmacy administration at the Northeastern Ohio Medical University College of Pharmacy (NEOMED). While at NEOMED, he developed a 2-year combined master of science/residency program in health-system pharmacy administration in the College of Graduate Studies in conjunction with the Cleveland Clinic and Akron General Medical Center. Upon his retirement in 2014, the University Board of Trustees granted Hunt the status of associate professor emeritus, the first such designation by NEOMED.
Before moving full time to academics, Hunt held the position of vice president of pharmacy at Novation, the supply chain management company for VHA, Inc., and the University Health System Consortium, working with 1,400 hospitals across the country.
Hunt began his career in 1971 as the assistant director of pharmacy at St. Marys Hospital in Rochester, MN. He subsequently led the pharmacy departments at Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge, IL, and the University of Kentucky Hospital in Lexington.
He received bachelor of science and master of science degrees in pharmacy from the Ohio State University College of Pharmacy and completed a residency in hospital pharmacy at Grant Hospital in Columbus, OH. He also holds a master of business administration degree from the Lake Forest Graduate School of Management.
A longtime member of ASHP, Hunt has served on several councils and committees and as a Kentucky representative to the ASHP House of Delegates. In 1994, he was elected to a 3-year term on the ASHP Board of Directors and, in 1999, was elected as ASHP president. He served 2 terms as chair of the ASHP Research and Education Foundation Board of Directors from 2001 to 2003. Hunt has also served in leadership roles with ASHP state affiliates in Minnesota, Illinois, Kentucky, and Texas.
Hunt is the recipient of several awards, including the Illinois and Kentucky Hospital Pharmacist of the Year Award, the Latiolais Award, and the Ohio State University College of Pharmacy Distinguished Alumni Award. He is a Fellow in ASHP and an honorary member of the Texas Society of Health-System Pharmacists.