2006 Award Recipient
Leadership: Successful Alchemy
Sara J. White
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Sara J. White M.S., FASHP
Sara White graduated from Oregon State University with a bachelor's degree in pharmacy. After graduation, she worked at the University of Oregon Medical Center and Emanuel Hospital in Portland for two years. She then earned her master of science degree at The Ohio State University and completed an ASHP-accredited residency at The Ohio State University Hospitals and Clinics.
White served as associate director, director of clinical education, and professor at the University of Kansas Medical Center and School of Pharmacy for 20 years. She was the director of pharmacy at Stanford Hospital and Clinics and clinical professor at the University of California, San Francisco, for 11 years before taking an early retirement. She recently served as an ASHP Foundation Scholar-in-Residence. She is currently semiretired and does professional speaking, executive coaching, and consulting as a pharmacy leadership coach. White is in her second term as a corporate board member for Omnicell.
White has served as president of the Greater Kansas City Society of Hospital Pharmacists, Kansas Society of Hospital Pharmacists, and American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. She has also served ASHP as chair of the House of Delegates, a board member, and a council member. She has received multiple awards for her contributions to pharmacy, including the Kansas Hospital Pharmacist of the Year Award, Kansas Pharmacist of the Year Award, Harold N. Godwin Lecture Award, Lambda Kappa Sigma Vanguard Leadership Award, Clifton J. Latiolais Award, John A. Webb Lecture Award, Ohio State Jack L. Beal Postbaccalaureate Award, and ASHP Distinguished Leadership Award.
In addition to developing, implementing, and leading comprehensive computerized clinical and distributive pharmacy services, which included computerized prescriber order entry and unit-based drug distribution automation, White has worked with over 90 pharmacy residents and taught numerous pharmacy students.